Ontario Payday Loan Borrowers

Your Voice Matters!
Sign the petition

Dear Policy Makers!

Don’t restrict my access to credit!

The Provincial government is considering changes to the payday loans act that would affect how and when you may be able to access this short-term credit product.

Restrictions they have proposed and are considering include:

  • Waiting period between loans
  • How much you can borrow
  • How many times you can borrow
  • A requirement rather than your option to extend a loan repayment over multiple pays

We understand that your financial decisions are your choice. While we try our best to communicate this to policymakers, it’s important that your voice be heard.

As an Ontarian, you make a difference by speaking up on how important access to this credit product is for you and your family.

Help make sure Ontario moves forward, not backwards, on ensuring unrestricted access to small sum short term loans for everyone.

Please consider signing this petition to protect and preserve your access to credit!

Sign the Petition!

758 Supporters
9242 needed to reach 10000

This petition has ended. Thank you for your support.

Recent signatures

  • joanne P.
    6 years
  • Anne D.
    6 years
  • Karey K.
    6 years
  • Kay D.
    6 years
  • Debra R.
    6 years
  • LISA C.
    6 years
  • Deborah D.
    6 years
  • O R.
    6 years
  • Nadia K.
    6 years
  • Valentina N.
    6 years